Modern Workplace Favors Project Management

2 min readJan 24, 2023


With inflation on the rise and shareholders constantly expecting higher quarterly profits in a tight labor market, project managers are feeling the pressure of a heavier workload with the same workforce. Under such conditions, it has become nearly impossible for any project manager to work without a modern and efficient project management system. Enter Claritask, the project management system that was built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

Claritask is loved by its customers, in fact, it was bought by MyDev which enjoyed using the platform so much, it just acquired it. The system is reliable and secure, high performing, and backed by a strong, ready on-call support team. Claritask is offered during a time when many project managers are struggling to both implement their operating methodology and ensure work is performed on time. With Claritask, managers can assign responsibility (tasks) individually or to groups. Claritask offers a variety of features for managers to check the time spent working on each task as well as project progression.

Despite the fact that project management system features improve workplace performance it’s still not fully used throughout every department of organizations. In an age where individuals are working from their homes, Starbucks, a plane, or a car, nothing could be more demanded than a cloud-based transparent platform that holds employees accountable for their duties.

Shareholders should be demanding their organizations stop underperforming with work-from-home allowances and start using a project management system instead for maximum productivity. Ultimately, however, costs are rising which is squeezing profit margins. A project management system enables companies to hire overseas, outsource menial tasks, and leave the hard, expensive tasks for home base engineers. Outsourcing repetitive tasks with a project management system ensure overseas staff is doing their work at a fraction of the cost of western-based employees. Voila, inflationary pressures are subdued and repetitive work, like data entry is ensured to be performed on time, efficiency breeds productivity, and productivity leads to reliable on-time results, which leads to customer satisfaction, which ends with higher cash flows.

A project management system reduces the need for meetings, emails, and other time-consuming obstacles that deter focused and concentrated work (productivity). Try using a project management system today and feel the difference in workload your office is able to perform and deliver on time.

